January 17, 2019
Thought Leadership in Aquatics
This blog post comes courtesy of Martin Aquatic’s president and creative director, Josh Martin, who shares his experience navigating the complex industry of aquatics as we support the efforts of our development partners to create engaging water.

Thought leadership is important in every industry, but it is in greater demand for industries that are young or rare. Aquatic engineering is a niche discipline—it’s not something that you can major in as an engineering student. For some large-scale aquatic projects, design professionals cobble together the expertise of various architects, designers, engineers, and contractors to create large-scale pools and fountains. Sometimes, because of the lack of expertise in these specific applications, companies can even end up buying pre-designed packages that are not innovative and do not incorporate the larger context of the development into their design.
Martin Aquatic Design & Engineering (Martin Aquatic) is fortunate to be in a position to offer innovative and timeless solutions for the aquatic needs of design professionals. We have spent over 25 years learning about the synthesis of structural, mechanical, chemical, and hydraulic engineering as it applies to aquatic engineering. Because so few share our experience, it is important that we are thought leaders for the industry.
For Martin Aquatic, thought leadership is first about best practices in engineering. We seek to set the standard by which aquatic features are designed. The most heartbreaking sights for us are dead fountains and cloudy pools. Many features that become inoperable are victims of flawed engineering and inappropriate applications of technology. By demonstrating best practices, we believe we can improve the design of not only our own fountains, but those of others as well.
More than anything, we want to help our development partners offer new and exciting ways to engage with water. Our choices are often reflected in other developments and we see that as an honor and an important part of improving the way every person engages with water. Thought leadership in design means continuing to innovate the application of water as a play element—as a work of art—as an inspiring and revitalizing piece of a community.
In every design Martin Aquatic engineers, we seek sustainable progress. Martin Aquatic believes that the resources of our development partners and our planet are precious and we incorporate the best sustainable options in everything we design. Thought leadership means creating new standards in sustainable design. We are changing the way resource systems are designed and incorporating the newest advances in water purification and use. We are conscious of the Triple Bottom Line and the benefits of integrated design process not just for the efficient use of resources, but for the benefits those processes offer our development partners.
Thought leadership is in-demand in the world of aquatics. Martin Aquatic is proud to be able to join with our development partners to lead the way toward designing better ways for people to engage with water.
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