October 18, 2017

Attractions Management Magazine Interviews Martin Aquatic President About Morgan’s Inspiration Island

In the current issue of Attractions Management magazine, a special article on the development of Morgan’s Inspiration Island showcases the project team leaders who helped bring this ultra-accessible water park to life.

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Martin Aquatic’s president and creative director Josh Martin described the challenges in engineering the interactive water features of the park, an expansion to the theme park, Morgan’s Wonderland, a not-for-profit attraction outside of San Antonio, Texas. Both parks are designed to welcome guests of any ability in an inclusive environment and offer free admission to any guest with special needs.

In the feature, Josh explained some of the technical considerations of ensuring the water quality was beyond reproach, using the latest applications for UV sanitation.

"Understanding that a guest's visit may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance, we took the idea of guest satisfaction very seriously."
- Josh Martin, Martin Aquatic’s president and creative director

Martin Aquatic also created a heated water system that would allow guests with sensitivity to cold temperatures to still enjoy splashing in the water. Another important engineering consideration that Josh detailed is a redundant system so that if something did go down for service, the park could still operate as normal.

To read the full Attractions Management Magazine article about the creation of Morgan’s Inspiration Island, visit attractionsmanagement.com. For more information about Martin Aquatic’s design, visit the Morgan’s Inspiration Island project page.